1. Statewide Legal Aid Organizations Legal Aid Network of Kentucky (LAKY) Coordinates statewide legal aid services (housing, family law, public benefits, consumer rights). Website: lanky.org Phone: 1-800-723-1293 (Statewide Hotline) Appalachian Research and Defense Fund (AppalRed) Serves 37...
1. Statewide Legal Aid Organizations Dakota Plains Legal Services (DPLS) Serves tribal communities (Pine Ridge, Rosebud, Cheyenne River, and Lower Brule reservations) and low-income residents in central and western South Dakota. Website: dakotaplains.org Phone: 1-605-342-0009 East River Legal...
1. Statewide Legal Aid Organizations Legal Services of North Dakota (LSND) Primary provider of civil legal aid (housing, family law, public benefits, Native American law, etc.). Website: lsnd.org Phone: 1-800-634-5263 (Statewide Hotline) Eligibility: Serves low-income residents (income-based)....
1. Statewide Legal Aid Organizations Legal Services of Missouri (LSM) A coalition of three regional legal aid providers covering the entire state: Legal Aid of Western Missouri: Kansas City, St. Joseph, and surrounding counties. Website: lawmo.org Phone: 1-816-474-6750 Mid-Missouri Legal...
1. Statewide Legal Aid Organizations Lone Star Legal Aid Covers 72 counties in East Texas, Houston, and the Gulf Coast. Website: lonestarlegal.org Phone: 1-800-733-8394 Texas RioGrande Legal Aid (TRLA) Serves 68 counties in South Texas, including the Rio Grande Valley, San Antonio, and...
1. Statewide Legal Aid Organizations Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA) Provides free civil legal aid statewide (housing, family law, public benefits, consumer rights, Native American law). Website: mtlsa.org Phone: 1-800-666-6899 (Statewide Hotline) ACLU of Montana Focuses on civil rights...