1. Statewide Legal Aid Organizations
- Legal Services Vermont (LSV)
- Provides free civil legal services to low-income Vermonters (housing, family law, public benefits, consumer rights).
- Website: lsvt.org
- Phone: 1-800-889-2047 (Statewide Hotline)
- Regional Offices:
- Burlington: 802-863-5620
- Rutland: 802-775-3232
- St. Johnsbury: 802-748-6906
- Springfield: 802-885-8891
- Vermont Legal Aid (VLA)
- Focuses on advocacy for vulnerable populations (disability law, housing, health care, elder law).
- Website: vtlegalaid.org
- Phone: 1-800-889-2047
- Specialized Programs:
- Disability Law Project: vtlegalaid.org/disability-law
- Vermont Tenants Advocacy Project: vttenants.org
2. Directories & Search Tools
- LawHelp Vermont
- Search for legal resources by topic: lawhelpvermont.org.
- Vermont Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service
- Low-cost consultations: vtbar.org.
- Legal Services Corporation (LSC) Directory
- Federally funded programs in VT: lsc.gov/find-legal-aid.
- Vermont Judiciary Self-Help Center
- Forms, guides, and referrals: vermontjudiciary.org/self-help.
3. Hotlines
- Legal Services Vermont Hotline: 1-800-889-2047
- Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-228-7395 (Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence).
- Senior Legal Assistance: Contact Vermont Legal Aid’s Senior Citizens Law Project: 1-800-889-2047 (for residents 60+).
- Disability Rights Vermont: 1-800-834-7890 (advocacy for individuals with disabilities).
4. Additional Resources
- 211 Vermont: Dial 211 or visit vermont211.org for community referrals.
- Pro Bono Programs:
- Vermont Volunteer Lawyers Project (VLP): vtprobono.org (statewide assistance).
- Immigration Legal Aid:
- Association of Africans Living in Vermont (AALV): aalv-vt.org (supports immigrants and refugees).
- Vermont Immigration Assistance: justiceforvt.org.
- Native American Legal Services:
- Vermont recognizes four Abenaki tribes (Elnu, Koasek, Nulhegan, and Missisquoi). Contact tribal councils or Native American Rights Fund (NARF): narf.org.
- Self-Help Centers:
- Chittenden County Family Court Self-Help: vermontjudiciary.org.
- Washington County Law Library (Montpelier): vermontjudiciary.org.
- Law School Clinics:
- Vermont Law and Graduate School Clinics: vermontlaw.edu/clinics (environmental law, immigration, and more).
- Eligibility: Most programs prioritize low-income residents (under 200% of the federal poverty level) and specific case types (e.g., eviction, domestic violence, disability benefits).
- Apply Online: Legal Services Vermont offers an online intake form: lsvt.org/get-help.
- Urgent Issues: For emergencies (evictions, restraining orders), contact hotlines directly or visit courthouse self-help centers.
- Tribal Members: Contact local Abenaki tribal offices or NARF for specialized assistance.