1. Statewide Legal Aid Organizations
- Legal Aid Network of Kentucky (LAKY)
- Coordinates statewide legal aid services (housing, family law, public benefits, consumer rights).
- Website: lanky.org
- Phone: 1-800-723-1293 (Statewide Hotline)
- Appalachian Research and Defense Fund (AppalRed)
- Serves 37 counties in eastern Kentucky (housing, disability rights, employment).
- Website: appalred.org
- Phone: 1-866-277-5733
2. Regional Legal Aid Providers
- Legal Aid Society (Louisville)
- Serves Jefferson County and surrounding areas.
- Website: laslou.org
- Phone: 1-502-584-1254
- Legal Aid of the Bluegrass (LABG)
- Covers 33 counties in northern and central Kentucky (Lexington, Covington, Frankfort).
- Website: lablaw.org
- Phone: 1-800-928-4553
- Western Kentucky Legal Services (WKLS)
- Serves 49 counties in western Kentucky (Bowling Green, Paducah, Owensboro).
- Website: wkls.org
- Phone: 1-800-928-4552
3. Directories & Search Tools
- LawHelp Kentucky
- Search for legal aid by topic or county: lawhelpky.org.
- Kentucky Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service
- Low-cost consultations: kybar.org.
- Legal Services Corporation (LSC) Directory
- Federally funded programs in KY: lsc.gov/find-legal-aid.
- Kentucky Court of Justice Self-Help Center
- Forms, guides, and referrals: kycourts.gov/selfhelp.
4. Hotlines
- Legal Aid Network of Kentucky Hotline: 1-800-723-1293
- Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 (National Hotline) or contact the Kentucky Coalition Against Domestic Violence: kcadv.org.
- Senior Legal Assistance: 1-800-200-3633 (Kentucky Legal Aid for residents 60+).
- Veterans’ Legal Hotline: Contact Veterans Legal Aid Project: vlap.org.
5. Additional Resources
- 211 Kentucky: Dial 211 or visit 211ky.org for community referrals.
- Pro Bono Programs:
- Louisville Bar Association Pro Bono Program: loubar.org/probono.
- Kentucky Legal Aid Pro Bono: klaid.org.
- Self-Help Centers:
- Jefferson County Law Library (Louisville): jeffersoncountyclerk.org.
- Fayette County Self-Help Center (Lexington): kycourts.gov.
- Immigration Legal Aid:
- Kentucky Refugee Ministries: kyrm.org.
- Maxwell Street Legal Clinic (Lexington): maxwellstreetclinic.org.
- Native American Legal Services:
- Southern Cherokee Nation of Kentucky: southerncherokeenation.net (limited legal aid for tribal members).
- Law School Clinics:
- University of Kentucky Legal Clinic: law.uky.edu/clinic.
- Northern Kentucky University Chase College of Law Clinics: chaselaw.nku.edu/clinics.
- Eligibility: Most programs prioritize low-income residents (under 200% of the federal poverty level) and specific case types (e.g., eviction, domestic violence, disability benefits).
- Apply Online: Legal Aid Network of Kentucky offers an online intake form: lanky.org/apply.
- Urgent Issues: For emergencies (evictions, restraining orders), contact hotlines directly or visit courthouse self-help centers.
- Tribal Members: Contact local tribal organizations or Native American Rights Fund (NARF): narf.org.