1. Statewide Legal Aid Organizations
- Legal Services of North Dakota (LSND)
- Primary provider of civil legal aid (housing, family law, public benefits, Native American law, etc.).
- Website: lsnd.org
- Phone: 1-800-634-5263 (Statewide Hotline)
- Eligibility: Serves low-income residents (income-based).
- Dakota Plains Legal Services (DPLS)
- Focuses on tribal communities (Standing Rock, Spirit Lake, Turtle Mountain, and affiliated reservations).
- Website: dpls.org
- Phone: 1-800-747-1890
2. Directories & Search Tools
- LawHelp North Dakota
- Search for legal resources by topic: lawhelpnd.org.
- North Dakota Legal Self-Help Center
- Guides, forms, and referrals: ndcourts.gov/legal-self-help.
- Legal Services Corporation (LSC) Directory
- Federally funded programs in ND: lsc.gov/find-legal-aid.
3. Hotlines
- Legal Services of ND Hotline: 1-800-634-5263
- Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-472-2911 (North Dakota Council on Abused Women’s Services).
- Senior Legal Assistance: Contact LSND for issues affecting seniors (e.g., elder abuse, Medicare).
- Native American Legal Aid: Contact Dakota Plains Legal Services or tribal courts.
4. Additional Resources
- 211 North Dakota: Dial 211 or visit nd211.org for community referrals.
- Pro Bono Programs:
- North Dakota Pro Bono Program: ndprobononetwork.org (connects low-income residents with volunteer attorneys).
- Immigration Legal Aid:
- Lutheran Social Services of ND: lssnd.org (immigration assistance).
- Native American Legal Services:
- Native American Rights Fund (NARF): narf.org (national organization supporting tribal legal rights).
- Tribal Courts: Contact local tribal governments (e.g., Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa, Spirit Lake Nation).
- Law School Clinics:
- University of North Dakota School of Law Clinics: law.und.edu/clinics (limited services in family law and Indian law).
5. Self-Help Centers
- North Dakota Courts Self-Help Center:
- Free forms and guides: ndcourts.gov/legal-self-help.
- Grand Forks County Law Library: grandforksgov.com (access to legal resources).
- Eligibility: Most legal aid programs prioritize low-income residents (typically under 200% of the federal poverty level) and specific case types (e.g., eviction, domestic violence, disability benefits).
- Apply Online: Legal Services of ND offers an online intake form: lsnd.org/apply-for-help.
- Tribal Members: Contact Dakota Plains Legal Services or local tribal courts for specialized assistance.